
Important formula of Mensuration

Important formula of Mensuration

Important formula of Solids

 Cylinder  : Volume of a cylinder= pi* r*r *h
Curved surface area = 2*pi*r*h
Total surface area = 2*pi*r*h + 2*pi*r*r = 2*pi*r ( h+r)
Volume of hollow cylinder = pi * R*R*h- pi*r*r*h= pi(R*R-r*r) h
TSA of hollow cylinder = Outer CSA + Inner CSA+ 2. Area of ring .
Cone: Volume  of a cone =1/3  pi*r*r*h
CSA of a cone = pi*r*l( here ‘l’ refers to ‘slant height’) [where l= [(h*h + r*r)]^.5
TSA of a cone = pi*r*l + pi*r*r = pi*r (l+r)
Sphere  :  Surface area of a sphere = 4*pi*r*r( Incase of sphere , CSA=TSA i.e they are same)
Volume of hemisphere = 2/3 pi*r*r*r [take half the volume of a sphere]
CSA of hemisphere = 2*pi*r*r [Take half the SA of a sphere]
TSA of hemisphere= 2*pi*r*r+pi*r*r = 3*pi*r*r
Volume of a sphere = 4/3 pi*r*r*r
Volume of spherical shell= Outer volume-Inner volume = 4/3*pi*(R^3-r^3

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