
10 most common job interview questions you should know!

for every job interview there will be different questions, but here are the 10 most common job interview questions you should know:

1. Tell me more about yourself?You might be tempted to talk about your skills, but your employer already knows these from your resume. When asked this question, talk about what you can contribute and how it can improve the business. Sell your benefits, not your features.
2. What is your greatest strength?Stay away from your personal traits; talk about your professional qualities and how these strengths can help you aid the company.
3. Why did you leave your job?If you are unemployed, state your reason for leaving in a positive way. Never ever say negative things about your past employer. If you are employed and want to a change, state what you want in your next job.
4. Why do you want to work here?Convince the interviewer that you have given the job a thorough thought and that you are not just sending resumes to every opening. Do your homework; know what the company does and what the position is likely to be.
5. Why should we hire you?Summarise your skills and experience. Leave a good impression on your future employer.
6. What are your goals?Talk about your short term and immediate goals rather than discussing the distant future.
7. What can you do for us that others can’t do?What makes you unique? Talk about your skills and summarise those that are most useful.
8. What is the most difficult situation you have faced at work?The interview wants to know your definition of difficult. Select a tough work situation and explain how you would approach it.
9. How do you respond to working under pressure?Describe a situation and how you would handle it with poise. Show the interviewer you are calm, in control and will get the job done despite the pressure.
10.  What questions do you have for me?Ask about open ended questions related to the job, or the hiring process and their timeline for getting back to you.

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